Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Arteveldehogeschool
Study programme: Occupational Therapy
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Spring semester 2010/2011
Name: Silke Verhulst
Email address:

Arrival and registration

I arrived at the airport of Bromma. It was very easy to find the bus to the centralen. At the centralen a student for global friends picked me up. I was very happy to have her help. She told me how to get an SL card, she picked up my keys and brought me to my appartment. It was very nice to meet someone. I wound't have found my way alone.


I was lucky a student could pick up my keys. The UAC has limeted opening hours and I wouldn't have had my keys otherwise.


I mailed with the student health centre for an appointment. I had no problems with them.


I applied for housing at the UAC online. I got a nice appartement at Pax. This place was perfect, it was close to the metro station. The apparment was big, I had my own bathroom. In Pax live many exchange students, it was easy to meet new people. I loved it.

Leisure time and social activities

I participated in some activities from global friends. They where nice. It was a pitty that they didn't organise more things. I have made new friends to do things with. I went to a dinner for the Occupational Therapy students. This was really nice. I have met a lot of people there. We had nice discussions.


I applied for Erasmus beacause it was a great oppertunity to live indepent and learn an other culture. I also wanted to know how Occupational Therapy works in other countries. What are the differences and simularities? How is it to live in an other country?


I have chosen KI because they had a good programme. I could go to the Childrens hospital and the end-of-life care. I wanted to know more about those areas.


It would have been better to know that the MSRA test would take so long. I missed a whole week practices because of this. That was a pitty.


I have gotten very good information on forehand by the international coordinators. I'm very thankfull for this.


I wasn't required to have any vaccinations, I only needed to have an MSRA test.

Courses during the exchange period

EAR001 : Clinics 1 - Occupational Therapy
My first practice was very good organised. It was only a pitty that a missed a hole week because of the MSRA test. I have worked with a lot of different problems and treatments. I got a lot of information from the staff. It was really lovely.
EAR002 : Clinics 2 - Occupational Therapy
My second place was very far. I needed to travel 3 hours a day, I thought this was a lot just for practice. I was not so good organised as my first place. They didn't have a week programme for me. I just needed to come and then I would see what I would do and when I could go home. There was a week where there was almost now work. That was a pitty. But I learned a lot about the end-of-life care. I was very pleased with that. That was one of the reasons why I came here.
EAR003 : Clinics 3 - Occupational Therapy
I haven't done a third clinical rotation. I did project work instead.


I had a really nice time during my stay in Stockholm. You can do a lot here: go to the sauna, shopping, walk on the lake.... I enjoyed my clinical rotations. I met people from all over the world. I'm very thankful that I had this experience.

Language and Culture

I attended Swedisch courses. They where offerd by KI.  It was a pitty that they started so late. I could only follow 7 courses instead of 10. I found the lessons helpful for the pronounciation and practical things like shopping. I could use some basic words for my practice, that was helpfull. I realy like the lessons. I could improve my language skills. I also learned a lot of new people. I had a great time.

Studies in general

I have had 4 weeks of clinical rotations in the Astrid Lindgrens Childrens hospital and 4 weeks of clinical rotations of practice in Nynashamn. The first one was beter organised than the second one.


I loved my practive in Astrid Lindgrens Childrens hospital. I learned a lot. My supervisors and the staff were very nice. It wasn't easy to communicate with the children because of the language barrier.


I liked my practice in Nynashamn. I worked with elderly people and in the end-of-life care. I wasn't happy that I needed to travel 3 hours a day. Luckely I got a have day free every week so I could get some rest. The people and the staff where very nice. At this place I needed to speak more Swedisch. It was a good exercice for me.


I thought the level wasn't as high as in Belgium because I didn't need to do some much tasks.