I was in contact with the president of the dental international society before I arrived and she was very helpful in preparing me for what to expect from Ki. Introduction day and orientation day with both the Erasmus coordinator and the dental studies coordinators were all held on the same day for myself and 2 other Erasmus students, so i wasn't on my own and everything was well planned out. Everyone was willing to help if you had a query and all gave out their phone numbers and email addresses.
The student health center is conveniently located int he dental wing of the hospital so getting my MRSA test done was easy.
I loved my accommodation! I stayed in Jagargatan which is the closest accommodation to the Huddinge campus where the dental school is. It essentially is a dorm, the room was slightly small but still comfortable and furnished. We shared bathrooms, the kitchen and laundry room. We had a cleaner who came in 5 days a week to clean which was a blessing. Had a few problems with other students washing their dishes or making too much noise especially when the walls are not sound proof but other than that I made many new friends and we girls always seemed to take over the kitchen in the evenings and catch up on each others days which was really nice. Living in Sodermalm was beautiful. The accommodation is located next to the water which has a lovely path around the island for walking/jogging. Public transport system to and from here is excellent and you could easily walk to town or Gamla Stan if you wanted.
I applied for housing through UAC about 3 months before I arrived here so everything worked out fine. The cost of housing for what it was was reasonable if not cheap compared to back home. The rent included the internet, cleaning, heating, water etc...
I was really lucky that one of my friends from Dublin who is in a different uni and course to me just happened to also do Erasmus and was given a bedroom 2 doors away from me :-)
My father, being a university lecturer who organised the Erasmus programme for his students encouraged me to go! No dental student has gone on Erasmus 2 years before me so I wanted to do something different with my education and experience dentistry in a different clinical setting. I also live at home, being from Dublin and studying my whole life in Dublin, so going on Erasmus would force me to become more independent and experience what the world has to offer on my own. And I love to travel, so the thought of traveling Scandinavia really appealed to me whilst studying!
I chose KI because through word of mouth,it stood out as being different to my home university on a larger scale and world class in every respect.
Information given to me before arriving was good but I thought a bit more info about day-to-day life and living expenses here could help.
I didn't need any med certificates or vaccines, just had to take a MRSA test.
ETL002 : Child and Adolscent Dentistry - Odontology
As I hadn’t started my clinical rotation of this course in Dublin before I came, I really enjoyed my time here. We were partnered up with another student in the group which was really helpful as I learned alot from her. I was surprised that all individuals below the age of 20 were treated as children because that is just how the Swedish dental public health system works!
ETL001 : Comprehensive Care - with subject specific courses
I really appreciated the fact I was given patients on demand and alot of extra clinical sessions. I saw over 10 patients, did over 20 fillings, an extraction and countless scale and polishes! There were always many different teachers available in the one clinic which was nice but this also led to a gap of no continuity between patient, student and teacher. I really liked the teacher calling system on the computer which was nice as it meant you didnt need to ignore your patient as you waited for a teacher to come to you. I learned alot in these sessions as techniques are slightly different here.
Praktikplatsen på akuten - S:t Vincent's untiversity hospital
I really treasured every moment I have spent in Sweden and KI. The experience was very different to what I was imagining it to be. The clinical experience was excellent, fellow students are very friendly and helpful. The city is so diverse which gives you so many different viewpoints about different things. I'd definitely recommend to others to come here for an Erasmus.
I did sign up for Swedish classes but unfortunately didnt have time to participate in them. I also had picked up quite a bit of Swedish b]from being surrounded by Swedish people all the time! But other students who had done them really learned alot and enjoyed them.
Svenska köttbullar blev en hit i studentköket!
I enjoyed studying in KI. The Swedish study environment appeared more relaxed and easy in comparison to my course at home which was nice! Teachers are called by their first names here which is very different to the dental school in Dublin and are more open with students, teaching more than testing. Alot of effort was made to ensure I was given patients who were willing to speak English and each time I requested more, and my patients were very compliant and always available. I was given alot of extra clinical time so I spent the bulk of my time here treating patients which was the experience I wanted. The Effica computer charting system used here is fantastic and easy to follow, even when its all in Swedish. I didnt like the paperwork that had to be filled out for each patient but there is a method to the madness which is all very organised and easy to follow once you get used to it.Alot of emphasis was placed on whole treatment plans agreed between you, the teacher and the patient ensuring continuity and a high standard of care between each stage of treatment. At home, we have one teacher for the year in our designated time slots in the clinics but here there are a variety of teachers available to the students so you learn different ways from their different experiences which is to broaden our young dental minds! Its nice to always have the necessary specialists available to you when you have booked your patient in for certain treatments.
As I don't speak Swedish I didnt attend any lectures but didn't feel like i missed out on much either.