Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Arcada
Study programme: Occupational Therapy
Exchange programme: NordPlus
Semester: Spring semester 2010/2011
Name: Caroline Manda Marianne Henriksson
Email address:

Arrival and registration

When I just took one course I didn't go to the introduction day but the international coordinator met us and gave us the package. The one thing that was a bit unclear was how to get the certificate from SL that you where a student, it was hard to get a paper they accepted.



I applied for an appartment trough UAC. It was ok, I'm not used to live in a corridor but it was fun to meet all the people there
En liten kompis leder vägen i slumområdet Katanga

Leisure time and social activities

There was a lot of things you could do if  you wanted to. I didn't participate in anything because I meet a lot of new people trough the course I took.
Barn på stranden i Butiaba


I chose to go on exchange studies because our teacher recommended this course. I thought it sounded interesting and therefore I applied. I was satisfied with the information given priour to my arrival in Stockholm and KI. I didn't need any vaccinations
Ballonger var alltid en uppskattad present, lätta att ta med sig, roligt att bolla med, men utan större värde så det aldrig skulle vara vara värt att strunta i skolan för att tigga saker av muzungus.

Courses during the exchange period

AT1X01 : Community and Home Based Rehabilitation - Cultural Perspectives
It was a very good course and I learned a lot about other cultures. The examination format was good. The lectured were a mix of vert relevant and less relevant but overall they were good.
Besök och intervju på en NGO, under behandling utav en pojke med CP.


I enjoyed my exchange at KI and wish the course had been longer so I would have had time to see more of Stockholm.

Language and Culture

I did not participate in a language course.

Studies in general

The study environment was very similar to the one we have in Finland so I felt very at home.