Arrival went well: I found my accommodation and got the keys and then I found my way to school where international coordination gave me some maps and information about KI. I did'n take part in the introduction day because I came to Stockholm in the middle of semester. I did'n have any contact with student health centre.
I got a room from UAC (Jägargatan) which I applied a few months before my arrival. Standard and cost of room was OK. The room was small but it was enough for me. We shared showers, toilettes and kichens with other students and it was nice to have people around me. It was fun to have only health care students in the building and we had great discussions. I was very happy with accommodation.
Teacher in my school recommended this course as there had been students in this course before and they had liked it. I also liked Stockholm very much as a city. That is why I chose to take a course in KI. I already knew the Swedish language so that was not a motivation for me to learn the language. The course I took was in English and I wanted to get more secure in speaking English. I think I got enough information before I came to Stockholm and I felt I had a change to e-mail someone if I had questions.
AT1X01 : Community and Home Based Rehabilitation - Cultural Perspectives
We had students and teachers from many countries and that was very interesting. It was fun to meet students from different countries and we had a very nice class. Changes in the schedule very quite annoying. I learned a lot from a group work we did. Assignments could have been better introduced because it was quite difficult to know what to do. Lectures were interesting though sometimes it was hard to connect them to our learning outcomes (community and home based rehabilitation). It was nice to have occupational therapy-, physiotherapy- and nursing students in the same course and we had very interesting discussions with them.
EAR004 : Analyses of literature from an occupational perspective
I did the course in distance from my home country. I could choose a topic myself which was good. When I had questions I found it hard to get anwers by e-mail from the head teacher, especially when I was supposed to have a chance for 2 hours of supervision under the course.
I liked Stockholm and the people joining the course very much. I was expecting a bit higher quality of the course because KI has so high reputation. The assignments for both courses (course syllabys) were not easy to understand and it was difficult to know what to do. We also had many changes in timetables in a very short notice. Most of the lectures were very interesting though sometimes it was difficult to combine the idea with the course aims. I carry all the good memories with me and I'm very happy i did my exchange studies in Stockholm. The city was lovely and I met amazing people.
I already knew the Swedish language before I got to Stockholm but it was fun to hear and speak Swedish there. Because the courses were in English, I got more secure in speaking and writing in English.
I only took theoretical courses at KI. Our course was international and we had teachers and students from different countries which was very interesting. I found it pretty hard sometimes to get e-mail answers from the head teacher and the paperwork after course took a long time. We had gotten a schedule about the lectures in advance and there came a lot of changes to timetables in a very short notice.