Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Makerere University
Study programme: Midwifery
Exchange programme: Linnaeus-Palme
Semester: Spring semester 2010/2011
Email address:

Arrival and registration

Journey took about 12hours from Uganda to Arlanda. Had about two hours waiting time in AddisAbba where we met other students travelling from Zambia to Karolinska. We met  again the following day as it so happened we were to attend the same class! When i got off theb plane at Arlanda, it occured to me how much i had under estimated the degree of coldness. Wanted to run back into the plane. Luckly a global friend and another student from sweden who had been in Uganda on exchange had organised for us some warm clothing.It was a relief.

They also accompanied us to the student's hostel and they also helped us find the course depatment were we were to have class the following day.

We had a warm welcome at the department and met the other exchange students. We were taken to do the  MRSA, went to the bank and also met the international students co ordinator.


 I was able to find accommodation at Jagargatan 20 through the University Accommodation Centre . The caretaker and the students coordinator were very helpful as they gave me all the necessary information.

My stay at Jagargatan was wounderful.The hostel is very conviniently located with a tunnel that connects the hostel to the hospital and bus 3.The hostel is clean an rooms spacious enough.

I also met many people from all over the world which was really nice.

Leisure time and social activities

I recieved event invitations every week from Global friends and was able to attend afew of them of my interest. They were very intresting and met new friends.

I would like to thank global friends for all the assistance they rendered to me. Many times i look back and wounder how i could have managed to get arround in the first weeks without their help! It was a good experience with them.

I however spent most of my social life with swedish students i met in Uganda. The students of Karolinska doing the same course as mine also had a small group that catered for exchange students in their programme. This group also ensured that we had fun during our stay.Since we do not attend class with them, it was a good opportunity to meet them. 

I once got into trouble over my students SL card and the experience was not good. Apparently, you should have a students card or temporary certificate that legalizes you to posess the student SL card. I didnot have any of these because i was not aware of it. Fortunately i was able to get the certificate so i did not have to pay the fine.

Generaly, my stay in sweden has been wounderful.


It is well known that Uganda and Sweden have very different health care systems, and it had been my dream to experience both. During our training, it very common for the lecturers to emphasize the differences between a resourse limmitted setting like my country and a resourse rich setting for example sweden especially in the management of diseases or conditions. For this reason, i was very curious about this 'animal' called resourse rich. I wanted to see  how it really influences morbidity and mortality especially in infants and women in child birth.

We were told about the opportunity to go to Karolinska and i thought this would be the time for me to have a feel of healthcare in another setting.

The information given from both Universties was very adquet and prepared me well.

No vaccinations were required.

Courses during the exchange period

2XX001 : Sexual and reproductive health in a global perspective
The course involved issues in sexual and reproductive health discussed within a global context.Many interesting topics were presented by lectures who were very experienced in these areas . The method of teaching was both lecture and discussions. The bdiscussions were very engaging and diverse as the class was made up of midwives, nurses, medical students, social science and human rights students from different countries. At the end of the course we were required to make an abstract and poster presentation in relation to topics we chose ourselves which was interesting. I do not regret taking this course as the knowledge i accqured is essential to me as a midwife.
2EE089 : Antenatal care including fertility control, delivery, neonatal and postnatal care, theory and clinical education
During this course, i learnt about the swedish health care system and was able to compare it with that of Uganda. Sweden is known for its low maternal and infant mortality rates and through this course, i was able to appreciate the vigillance involved in ensuring low mortality rates. The supervisors met my learning needs well and i have some take backs which i could apply back home. These may be small but it is amazing how much they can improve the health of mother and infant. During these rotations, i came to appreciate that it is these small details that when summed up make the difference!


In general, my experience was a mind opner, it reaally shook me out of the comfort zone in regards to maternal and Child health.The exchange programme is a very enriching opportunity.  Students  learn and share ideas on how healthcare can be improved.The exchange was well organised and am very grateful for this opportunity.

Language and Culture

I registered for langauge classes but did not particpate as it so happened that the first two weeks of the class conflicted with my clinical rotation schedule. Since i was following one supervisor, it was difficult to change since their working times were already fixed.

Studies in general

The study enviroment is student friendly. Access to scholarstic information is easy and help is always available incase of any trouble.the library and especially the relaible internet access were very useful.

During my clinical rotations, i was placed under supervision of one person per unit i went to which ensured continuity. The supervisors were very helpfull and willing to take me through the different activities on the units and gave me a chance to perform some on my own under their supervision.

The clinical supervisor to student ratio is very small in KI compared to that back home. This enables a supervisor to know their students very well helping them improve their weaknesses.

Unlike in our setting, the teacher/supervisor-student relationship is very relaxed! Teachers/supervisors are very free with students which i think is important in fostering learning. Patients were receptive as long as i was introduced to them by my supervisor. In afew cases were a patient did not wish to be attended by or have a student around, my supervisor arranged for me to follow another midwife for that period. in that case, i did not miss out.

In general, my clinical rotations were very exciting as i got to see equipment and practise procedures that only remain theoretical in my country.

The teching style in the lectures i attended were quite simillar to those we have in Makerere so i did not find any difficulties.