The study enviroment is student friendly. Access to scholarstic information is easy and help is always available incase of any trouble.the library and especially the relaible internet access were very useful.
During my clinical rotations, i was placed under supervision of one person per unit i went to which ensured continuity. The supervisors were very helpfull and willing to take me through the different activities on the units and gave me a chance to perform some on my own under their supervision.
The clinical supervisor to student ratio is very small in KI compared to that back home. This enables a supervisor to know their students very well helping them improve their weaknesses.
Unlike in our setting, the teacher/supervisor-student relationship is very relaxed! Teachers/supervisors are very free with students which i think is important in fostering learning. Patients were receptive as long as i was introduced to them by my supervisor. In afew cases were a patient did not wish to be attended by or have a student around, my supervisor arranged for me to follow another midwife for that period. in that case, i did not miss out.
In general, my clinical rotations were very exciting as i got to see equipment and practise procedures that only remain theoretical in my country.
The teching style in the lectures i attended were quite simillar to those we have in Makerere so i did not find any difficulties.