Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Barts & The London School of Medicine & Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London
Study programme: Dentistry
Exchange programme: Erasmus
Semester: Spring semester 2010/2011
Name: Dilan Taylor
Email address:

Arrival and registration

Shortly after arriving in Stockholm, I attended the Erasmus exchange programme introduction day at the Solna campus of KI. 

The talk was well organised and extremely useful in helping to both get to grounds with Swedish customs as well as meet fellow exchange students from around the world. 

With regards to the student health centre, we liaised via email, prior to arriving in Sweden, to book an appointment to have both MRSA and immunisation checks.


I applied for accommodation in Pax, solna via the university accommodation centre website. The student halls in which I stayed were very well equipped in terms of facilities, warm and spacious.

Leisure time and social activities

Social life in Sweden and KI was lively, from nights out at the student union in Solna to dental dinners at the Huddinge campus I was kept busy! I made many Swedish friends during my 3 month exchange period of which I still keep in contact.


I chose to apply for the erasmus exchange programme to Stockholm, Sweden as I believed it provided the uniqie oppurtunity to see how the teaching of dentistry differs abroad

Courses during the exchange period

ETL001 : Comprehensive Care - with subject specific courses
The course content was similar to that at Barts & The London. Clinical and theoretical teaching was taught to a high quality. One thing which could possibly improved is the way in which different clinical areas are allocated to different dental specialities. For example in order to carry out Endodontic treatment a patient had to be booked in 1 of 12 endodontic bays, which were in high demand given the number of dental students. This meant that although there were free bays in other areas, endodontic treatment had to be prolonged for weeks, whilst waiting for a free endodontic bay to come available.
ETL002 : Child and Adolscent Dentistry - Odontology
The teaching on the paeds clinic was more well rounded in that it encompassed both paediatric and orthodontic treatment planning of patients at the same time. This was beneficial in helping me to collate knowledge from different specialities and apply them to single cases.


My exchange with KI was a thoroughly enjoyable experience of which I have taken home many memories and friends. 
If I had to change anything it would only be to extend the period that I stayed!

Language and Culture

Participated in a basic Swedish language course once a week in the evening. The course was well taught and organised. It greatly helped widen my experience of Swedish culture as I was able to communicate with Swedish locals!

Studies in general

The Swedish study environment differed from that in London, in that discussions were more relaxed between tutors and students. This helped provide an enjoyable learning atmosphere where questions regarding clinical decisions flowed both ways between students and clinicians.

Also regular breaks at 45min intervals was also a welcome change to the 3 hour slots of lectures which we have in London.