Exchange report - incoming students
Home university: Altamash Institute of Dental Medicine
Study programme: Dentistry
Exchange programme: Linnaeus-Palme
Semester: Spring semester 2010/2011
Name: Muhammad Saqib Abdul Hameed
Email address:

Arrival and registration

I was really impressed with the arrival arrangements and the introduction day. It was a good opportunity to learn about the system of KI in which the students work in.


I applied for housing through University Accomodation Center and got my accomodation in Jagargatan. I was really pleased with the arrangements and facilities provided there in Jagargatan. The place was ideally suited for the exchange students in dentistry in addition to the benefit of been centrally located.

Leisure time and social activities

Regarding the social life in Sweden and KI i would say  that students in KI,members of Global friends and other exchange students really helped me alot to adjust in a totally new enviroment. It was really fun to be around them. I'll really miss there company and would like to remain in touch with all of them for good!


My prime objective to apply for an exchange programme in Karolinska Institute was to see how the students over there learn the skills of dentistry and how do they apply their skills in this field. When i received the invitation letter and conformation of my study programme i felt so lucky and since then i was in contact with the international student coordinator who guided me very well about all the things that I was supposed to do before and after my arrival in Sweden.

Courses during the exchange period

ETL001 : Comprehensive Care - with subject specific courses
I really liked the working enviroment and conditions in KI. All the teachers,students and nurses were soo helpful and cooperative. They really made me feel soo comfortable among thereselves. During my clinical rotation i really enjoyed treating patients in VUX clinics. All the supervisors were soo friendly and helpful. It was a great learning experience.
ETL002 : Child and Adolscent Dentistry - Odontology
We used to work in pair with a local student in barn tandvard to overcome the language barrier. This really helped me alot. The supervisors,nurses and students especially my clinical partner were extremely nice and friendly.


Im really pleased with my exchange period there in KI. My clinical experience was very fullfilling and i feel i have learned alot. I will really miss my stay in Sweden and would love to come back again. I would like to thank all the people who were involved in planning,funding and organizing my exchange programme. I also want to extend my heartful gratitude to all my supervisors,fellow students and international student and academic coordinator for been there for me and helping me around.

Language and Culture

My prime objective to apply for the language course was to communicate freely with my patients in Sweden but unfortunately the language course started after around 40days of my exchange period of 90days. Therefore i decided to drop the idea of attending the language course. I would like to suggest that the language course should start as early as possible for the exchange students so that they get a fair time to learn the Swedish language.

Studies in general

I always wanted to see the difference regarding the treatment protocols between Pakistan and European countries. Though the difference was there but i felt quite good that atleast i knew all the protocols,it was only the difference of system in which we work in. I found the student teacher relationship extremely friendly which i liked the most. It was a great learning experinece for me to learn the Swedish way of  treating patients.