Logbook: 26.04.2016-03.06.2016
Presence: 100%
Course: Orthopaedic Surgery. Monash University, Melbourne.
Venue: Melbourne Orthopaedic Group, The Avenue Hospital, Glenferrie Private Hospital.
Schedule: Monday-Thursday 07.30-18.00. I stayed till 21.00 approximately 1-2x/week voluntarily. Tuition on Fridays 08.00-16.00.
Clinic: The course was given at the Melbourne Orthopaedic Group, and divided into consulting, operating theatre and student teaching. When consulting, I was rotating between senior specialists at the group, examining shoulders, elbows, hands, knees, hips and ankles. The format was such that I was taking the history and examining the patient, assessing the radiography (most often MRI and Xrays, occasionally ultrasound), and suggesting a diagnosis and treatment. The senior specialist was then verifying my clinical assessment, and invited to further discussion.
I was actively participating during surgeries, assisting the main surgeon. I was continuously questioned for anatomical structures and questioned about operating techniques, which were all a part of my total assessment throughout the course. Tuition was given each Friday by a specialist at the clinic, covering the topics of fractures, hip, knee, foot/ankle, plastering and shoulders. The tuition was divided into presentation as well as discussion of cases.In the operating theatre (OT), I was practically daily scrubbing in and assisting the main surgeon.
Total hip replacement x 12
Total knee replacement x 11
Knee scope x 8
Bunion x 5
Prosthesis Revision x 5
Achilles tendon repair x 6
Shoulder scope x 15
Osteotomy x 4
Ankle reconstruction x 5
Posterior Collateral ligament reconstruction from semitendinosus graft.
Right abductor tendon repair.
Left thumb suspensionplasty
Left wrist scope hamate/tfcc + open styloidectomy
Left elbow distal biceps reconstruction/neurolysis
Right shoulder scope/cuff/ac+ biceps repair
Right shoulder laterjet reconstruction. Left 1.
Metatarsal pharlynderal joint exostectomy/ris 2.
Reivision dstr 3,5th. Removal of 1-2mm medartis screw.
Left ankle scope+removal o floose body and free hamstring ankle joint reconstruction. Left pvf- co, taol; step;tpr,slr;fdl;tmt1. Removal of 7mm ccs-bg-augment.
Removal of plate osteotomy left ulna.
Right elbow scope.
Right shoulder scope posterior reconstruction and check.
Left shoulder scope/cuff/ac.
Left shoulder scope/cuff/ac +/- long head biceps tendinosis.
Knee revision hybrid knee.
Sciatic neurolysis.
Open central third patellar segment revision.
Trigger finger Dig I.
ORIF ankle. Ankle arthrodesis.
Left shoulder rotator cuff repair-open
Jag har varit på en myriad av operationer. Jag ämnar bli kirurg och detta var ett gyllene tillfälle för mig att få rutin och assistera kirurger. Jag kan inte hitta på något som var mindre bra. Själva kliniken var i världsklass avseende alla aspekter. Jag trivdes väl, vilket återspeglar sig i den uppsjö av operationer jag assisterat vid.